Fractional CMO

3 Marketing Fundamentals Every Marketing Officer Should Know

May 04, 20233 min read


chief marketing

Marketing is critical for any business, large or small. A fractional chief marketing officer (CMO) should be well-versed in all marketing principles. But, with so many different marketing channels and strategies available, it can be difficult to know where to start. That's why we've put together this guide on marketing fundamentals that your fractional chief marketing officer needs to know. In it, we'll cover the basics of marketing and why you need to master the fundamentals if you want your business to succeed.

Marketing Fundamentals #1: Get To Know Your Buyer

As a fractional chief marketing officer, it's important to have a firm understanding of your target market. After all, how can you hope to sell your products or services if you don't know who your buyer is? Luckily, getting to know your buyer isn't as difficult as it may seem. With a little market research, you can develop a strong understanding of the type of person you're trying to reach.

Once you know who your buyer is, you can begin developing buyer personas. When creating your persona, you'll want to consider things like their age, gender, location, income, interests, and pain points. Doing so will help you create marketing campaigns that are more effective and resonate with your audience. Only then can you start making marketing strategies that are tailored to appeal to them. You'll be able to craft messages that speak directly to their needs and desires, which will make your marketing more effective.

Taking the time to understand your target market and develop buyer personas is a critical step in creating successful marketing campaigns. This is just the first step in creating an effective marketing plan - and it's one that you can't afford to skip.

Marketing Fundamentals #2: Focus on Your Message

You can have the best product or service in the world, but if your target market doesn’t know about it, you’re not going to make any sales. That’s why it’s essential to have a well-defined marketing message.

Your marketing message is the foundation of your marketing communications. It’s the one thing you want your target market to remember about your product or service.

To create a strong marketing message, you need to understand your target market and what they’re looking for. Once you know that, you can craft a message that speaks to their needs and tells them why your product or service is the best solution.

Marketing Fundamentals #3: Identify the Driving Force in Your Business

In any business, there are always forces that drive it. These can be internal or external, but they all contribute to the overall success or failure of the company. It's important to identify these forces so that you can make the necessary adjustments to keep your business on track.

The three main driving forces of business are customers, employees, and suppliers. Each one plays a vital role in shaping your marketing strategy and, eventually, the success of your business. By considering these driving forces in any marketing decision you make, you can be sure that your marketing efforts are aligned with your business goals.


Every business leader needs to know the basics of marketing in order to be successful. Marketing is essential in order to create and maintain a customer base and to promote and sell products or services. By understanding these concepts, business leaders can make informed decisions about their marketing strategies and ensure that their company is on the right track.

Nowadays, even company executives need help from experts to create and implement successful marketing campaigns. That's what Strategic Pete is here for. Whether you're a fractional chief marketing officer or a startup CEO, we'll help you scale and grow your business efficiently. We do this through transformative marketing strategies and business automation solutions. Partner with Strategic Pete and let our team guide you to your goals!

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