Fractional CMO

7 Essential Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Fractional CMO

May 04, 20233 min read


fractional cmo

The need for an experienced Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has never been greater. As businesses are shifting to a digital-first approach, they’re discovering they need strategic marketing direction. But many companies may not have the capacity to hire a full-time CMO. That’s where a fractional chief marketing consultant can help. A fractional CMO provides guidance and expertise without the full-time commitment that typically requires a CMO.

If you’re considering hiring a fractional CMO, it’s important to ask them the right questions. A successful marketing consultant should be able to answer a variety of questions and provide you with the insights you need to make an informed decision. Here are the seven essential questions to ask before hiring a fractional CMO.

1. What Types of Experiences and Skills Do You Have?

The first question you should ask a potential fractional CMO is about their experience and skills. While it’s important to look at their past successes and experience leading the market, you should also look at their other skills and experiences. A comprehensive CMO should be well-versed in all areas of digital marketing and have a broad understanding of the marketing landscape.

2. How Do You Measure Success?

It’s important to know how your potential CMO will evaluate success. Every business is unique and has different goals, so it’s critical to understand how the CMO will measure and track progress. Ask them what metrics they will use to determine success and how they will monitor progress.

3. What Are Your Strategies For Increasing Brand Awareness?

Brand awareness is a key element of marketing success. A good fractional chief marketing consultant should be able to provide a comprehensive look at how they will increase brand awareness for your company. They should be able to provide a variety of strategies that include social media, influencer marketing, PPC, and content promotion.

4. How Do You Utilize Data to Drive Strategy?

Data should be used to inform strategies, and the fractional CMO should be able to show how they’re using data to inform tactics. Ask how they’re using data to inform their plans and how they’re leveraging data to continuously improve results.

5. What Is Your Approach to Content Creation?

Content plays an integral role in digital marketing, so it’s important to understand the CMO’s approach. Ask them about their content creation approach, which includes–strategy, planning, production, and distribution. Understanding content goals, target audience, and KPIs will help you ensure the content resonates with your audience.

6. What Kind of Support Are You Providing?

When you’re considering hiring a fractional CMO, it’s important to consider the kind of support they’ll provide. Ask them what type of support they’re providing and the availability they have to answer questions and help with strategy.

7. What’s Your Process?

Finally, it’s essential to understand the process the CMO follows when working with clients. They should be upfront and transparent about their process and be able to provide you with a timeline of when specific tasks should be completed.


Hiring a fractional CMO can be an invaluable resource for businesses. They can provide strategic guidance while saving you time and money that would typically be associated with hiring a full-time CMO. But before you make a hire, it’s essential to ask the right questions to ensure you’re making the right decision. Asking the seven essential questions listed here will ensure you’re selecting the right fractional CMO for your business.

Take your business to the next level with the help of Strategic Pete. Through our fractional chief marketing officer services, we provide you with the expertise and leadership you need to drive growth and success. No matter what industry you're in, we can help you create a marketing strategy that will lead to success. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of fractional marketing services.

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